Dr. Robert Lanza’s biocentrism theory makes the following key claims about space and time:

  1. Space and time are not physical, objective entities that exist independently of life and consciousness. Rather, they are forms of “animal intuition” – modes of interpretation and understanding that the mind uses to organize sensations into a coherent experience of reality. [1][2][3][4]
  2. The traditional scientific view sees space and time as a “vast container” that exists separately from the objects and events within it. But biocentrism argues this is a false notion – distances and measurements of space are relative and mutable based on factors like gravity and velocity. Space is not an absolute, empty void. [1][4]
  3. Similarly, time is not an objective flow or matrix in which changes occur. It is simply a way the mind organizes the succession of mental images and perceptions. The past and future do not objectively exist – only the present moment is real. Time is a construct of consciousness, not an external reality. [1][4]
  4. The implications of this are profound – it means space and time are not fundamental features of the universe, but rather arise from the activity of life and consciousness. The universe does not create life, but rather life creates the universe, including the perceived dimensions of space and time. [1][3][4][5]

In essence, biocentrism radically redefines our understanding of space and time, seeing them not as external, objective realities, but as mental constructs shaped by the observer’s consciousness. This challenges the traditional scientific worldview and has significant implications for our understanding of the nature of reality.

[1] https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/the-biocentric-universe-theory-life-creates-time-space-and-the-cosmos-itself
[2] https://www.bookey.app/book/biocentrism
[3] https://www.robertlanzabiocentrism.com
[4] https://www.robertlanzabiocentrism.com/a-new-theory-of-the-universe/
[5] https://biocentrismnews.com