- Biocentrism is a theory proposed by Dr. Lanza in 2007 that sees biology as the central driving force in the universe, rather than physics. [1][2]
- Lanza believes that life and consciousness are fundamental to the universe, and that consciousness actually creates the universe, rather than the other way around. [1][2][3]
- Lanza argues that current scientific theories do not work unless you include consciousness (the observer) in the equation. He claims his biocentrism theory provides a new perspective that places biology before the other sciences. [1][3]
- Lanza’s biocentrism is based on ideas from quantum physics, such as the “observer effect” and the “fine-tuning problem” of the universe. He believes biocentrism can offer explanations for these quantum phenomena. [4]
- One of the more controversial aspects of Lanza’s biocentrism is the idea that death is an illusion, and that our consciousness can continue to exist in other universes after we die, based on the multiverse theory. [4][5]
However, Lanza’s biocentrism theory has faced significant criticism from the scientific community. Many argue it lacks scientific rigor, makes unsupported claims, and is more akin to a form of “scientific mysticism” than a valid scientific hypothesis. [4]
[1] https://www.robertlanzabiocentrism.com
[2] https://biocentrismnews.com
[3] https://robertlanza.com/biocentrism-how-life-and-consciousness-are-the-keys-to-understanding-the-true-nature-of-the-universe/
[4] https://www.samwoolfe.com/2013/11/biocentrism-robert-lanzas-controversial-view-of-the-universe.html
[5] https://afterlifebarryeaton.com/scientific-evidence/